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Business News

Green light for £100m motorway junction

Green light for £100m motorway junction

01 December 2017

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has given final approval for work to start on a proposed multi-million pound new motorway junction to ease traffic.


Gin distillery given royal approval

Gin distillery given royal approval

01 December 2017

Princess Anne officially opened a Kent gin distillery and had a taste of its tipple.


Post-Brexit customs checks 'completely on track'

Post-Brexit customs checks 'completely on track'

01 December 2017

The new customs checks system for after Brexit is "completely on track", according to a senior civil servant.


Political group oppose plans for new civic complex

Political group oppose plans for new civic complex

01 December 2017

Plans for a new Civic Complex complete with council offices, a theatre and underground car park have come under fire.

Shooting boss ordered to pay back £1.2m

Shooting boss ordered to pay back £1.2m

01 December 2017

A Kent gun club boss must pay back £1.2m in three months or face eight years in jail after dodging tax.


Deputy Mayor told not to go to Cinderella's ball

Deputy Mayor told not to go to Cinderella's ball

01 December 2017

The rivalry between Maidstone's competing pantos continues as council cancels deputy mayor's invitation over "clash of interests."


Fire-ravaged Tesco to re-open

Fire-ravaged Tesco to re-open

01 December 2017

A Tesco Express store that was destroyed by an arson attack is set to welcome back customers this weekend.

Pair awarded for success after head-on collision

Pair awarded for success after head-on collision

01 December 2017

A husband and wife who grew their business together despite treatment following a serious car crash have been awarded for triumphing over adversity.

Office and industrial plan gets green light

Office and industrial plan gets green light

30 November 2017

Councillors have approved an outline application for office, warehouse and light industrial development on a controversial site.


Dozens of jobs on the line

Dozens of jobs on the line

30 November 2017

More than 70 employees have been told their jobs are under threat after a company announced it intends to close a Kent branch.


Housing plans on show for ex-Christian school

Housing plans on show for ex-Christian school

30 November 2017

Plans to redevelop a former study centre for the Franciscan religious order will go on display for the first time next week.

Winemaker turns to gin

Winemaker turns to gin

30 November 2017

A winemaker has made its first venture into the spirits market using grapes from last year’s harvest.


Last bank in high street set to close

Last bank in high street set to close

30 November 2017

Lloyds, the only remaining High Street bank in one town, is to close.


Entrepreneurs aim to beat London brain-drain

Entrepreneurs aim to beat London brain-drain

30 November 2017

The fight to keep talented workers in the county was laid bare at the first meeting of a new group for start-up entrepreneurs in Kent.

Firms need support to be success, says shadow minister

Firms need support to be success, says shadow minister

29 November 2017

A top Labour politician told bosses of small businesses they are "the backbone of the economy" as he called for better broadband and infrastructure.


Council deputy resigns over building policy

Council deputy resigns over building policy

29 November 2017

A deputy council leader has stepped down from the cabinet in protest to plans to build on greenbelt land in his borough.


Wholesaler goes into administration

Wholesaler goes into administration

29 November 2017

One of the UK's largest private companies, which has two bases in Kent, has tumbled into administration, with the loss of 2,500 jobs.


Major plans unveiled as Southeastern franchise launched

Major plans unveiled as Southeastern franchise launched

29 November 2017

Thousands of rail passengers are expected to benefit from more space, longer trains and more reliable journeys under plans announced today.


Recruiter back in profit

Recruiter back in profit

29 November 2017

A recruitment business swung back into the black a year after a dramatic fall in sales as it was forced to cancel a contract with a “household name”.

Local Plan could face legal challenge

Local Plan could face legal challenge

28 November 2017

The Campaign to Protect Rural England has warned it intends to seek a Judicial Review over the inclusion of a site in council blueprints for housing.

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