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Children enjoy
memorable trip to Santa
by Sarah
A group of children from a Rochester school met the real
Father Christmas on a visit to Lapland.
On Thursday, the 60 youngsters and their parents travelled to
the Snow Village in Finland with the Family Holiday Association, a
charity which takes families who would usually not be able to take
a break.
Most of the children were from Delce Junior School
in The Tideway, and a number were accompanied by brothers and
sisters who have just started secondary school.
For many it was the first time they had been on a plane, and the
first time they had seen deep snow.
The group had snowball fights, went on huskie dog rides, made
Christmas decorations with the elves and travelled to Father
Christmas’s cabin in the middle of a forest to talk to the man
himself about what they wanted for Christmas.
Among those who went on the trip was 10-year-old Michalea , who
had never been on a plane before. The year six pupil loved playing
in the snow with mum Gillian, 49.
Michalea said: “I’m really, really happy.”
Also on the visit was Same Difference, the brother and sister
group who shot to fame on the X Factor in 2007, when they finished
For full story and pictures see Monday’s Medway