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A fight in a town centre pub during England’s win over Holland in the semi-final of the Euros is being investigated by police.
Our reporter takes the first steps on the new £92 million A249 flyover which has welcomed its first drivers.
An ambitious multi-million-pound regeneration scheme is drawing to a close after more than a decade in the works but has it lived up to its promise?
A family has thanked donors who have allowed them to make precious memories with their six-year-old daughter who has been given just months to live.
Students will be going home seven school days early at the end of the summer term as a pair of schools prepare to be taken over by new bosses.
A long-awaited flyover designed to ease congestion and reduce accidents is set to open after plans were first unveiled seven years ago.
Activists have filmed themselves attacking a company's headquarters causing thousands of pounds of damage.
Sittingbourne and Sheppey has turned red for the first time since the 2010 election with a new MP elected.
A farm complex which sits near a busy roundabout could be converted into homes as part of a farmland development.
A taxi company and bus operator are losing business after days of traffic problems.
Bus operators say one accident was all it took to bring traffic to a halt amid several major road projects in the area.
Shop units which have been vacant for years could see a change of use into a cafe.
A new store which has been bogged down in delays has announced its opening date when a Team GB gold medalist will cut the ribbon.
A husband and wife team have received an award after inventing activities for people living with dementia.
An inventor has been out and about in his latest creation as he aims to raise even more funds for one of the county’s most vital services.
An artist has told how he went from sketching in his boyhood bedroom to producing visual effects for one of the world’s biggest rock bands.
A road was closed after armed police were called to reports of a person “with a weapon”.
The boss of a 93-year-old bakery was disappointed after plans to future-proof the business by building flats behind it were turned down.
A £92 million road improvement scheme is drawing to an end with dates for lane openings announced.
A supermarket due to create 40 jobs has been put at risk after a “diabolical” legal challenge from a competitor.