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A leading artisan ice cream firm, with a popular seaside outlet, is expanding its range.
A landlord whose business has been plagued by roadworks over the years says the decision to close the road again is ‘absolutely ridiculous’.
A businessman is planning to launch a new fish and chips shop in his hometown following the closure of a kebab house.
The nominated finalists will be recognised at the Kent & Medway Food & Drink Awards 2025 later this month.
Two Kent restaurants have been singled out as offering good cheap food in a nationwide survey of Michelin-starred chefs.
Theatrical drinks lure our reviewer to a medieval village this week, where cocktails are served in treasure chests, bird cages and telephone boxes.
Secret Drinker follows in the footsteps of smugglers at a proper village pub that’s getting everything right.
A pub with a troubled past is set to have a revamp after being taken over by new management.
Scaffolding has been erected outside an empty unit as work begins on a new smokehouse due to open in the spring.
Confectionary giant Haribo has announced when it will be welcoming the first customers to its latest new store.
A drinks producer has signed a major new deal with a supermarket chain to deliver a new cocktail in a can.
From revived backstreet boozers to cosy lounges and cabaret bars, these are the new places to stop for a pint this year.
A family is celebrating 10 years at the helm of a popular cafe known for its breakfast stacks and brunch igloos.
A bistro favoured by TV chef Tom Kerridge has been granted permission to continue using the space upstairs, after an impassioned plea from the owner.
An award-winning shop has confirmed it will leave one of Kent’s busiest high streets to focus on its flagship and online stores.
Secret Drinker was left seeing red after diving into a ‘dour’ town centre pub.
Celebrate the Year of the Wood Snake by tucking into Asian cuisine at these delicious Chinese restaurants.
A 17th-century pub which was once decaying into ruins could finally reopen this year – 18 years after it closed.
Our second batch of finalists for the Kent & Medway Food & Drink Awards 2025 has been announced, including Pub of the Year.
We’re announcing the final three picks in each category of this year’s awards, as voted for by our KentOnline readers.