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Plans for a relief road could move one step closer after a council revealed £1m has been set aside for the project.
A councillor temporarily suspended by his party after complaints from two women says ill health may prevent him from contesting the seat.
A Green party representative who published private details about discussions over a town’s leisure centre says he stands by what he did.
A Tory has resigned from several committees and launched an astonishing attack on her party’s leadership.
More than 20% of pupils are getting into grammar schools without taking the Kent Test route.
Our reporter takes a look at what is being done to help a quiet village struggling with a rise in crime and anti-social behaviour.
Under-pressure Kent County Council has passed its annual budget amid continued pressure surrounding its long-term financial viability.
Campaigners who want to stop hundreds of homes being built on green space say they urgently need financial support to fight their case.
A leading education expert has claimed hiring tutors to help your kid pass the 11-plus and claim a coveted grammar school place is a waste of money.
The county’s police force has been asked to find £35million worth of savings in the next five years with the prospect of job losses looming.
Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner has responded to a survey quizzing the county’s residents on their perceptions of the force and crime rates.
The landlord of a popular village pub says he has lost half of his takings after passing trade plummeted during a road closure for gas works.
A cash-strapped council has questions to answer over its decision to spend more than £7,000 a year renting out office space in Belgium, critics say.
Plans to slash the county’s community warden scheme to make £1 million in savings are due to be put before county hall for extra scrutiny.
The council are considering offers made for County Hall.
Kent’s crumbling roads saw a year-on-year increase in pothole reports as well as the highest number of insurance and drainage inquiries in years
New figures published by Kent County Council have laid bare the rise in cost of providing home to school transport.
A former care home is to be converted into a reception centre for teenage refugees.
Hundreds of jobs at Kent County Council are at risk as the authority continues to look at ways to cut costs.
Work is due to begin at a major roundabout, just off the M20, which includes scrapping the traffic lights and increasing capacity by up to 60%.