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‘We’re so overwhelmed by asylum-seekers we can’t care for Kent children’

26 August 2023
‘We’re so overwhelmed by asylum-seekers we can’t care for Kent children’

A council says it has reached a new ‘unthinkable’ crisis point of having to consider stopping taking Kent children into care.

Housing protesters demand 'withheld' traffic data

25 August 2023
Housing protesters demand 'withheld' traffic data

Villagers angered by plans to build thousands of houses on farmland are demanding data from traffic surveys.


Flood of criticism over ‘nightmare’ road closure

09 August 2023
Flood of criticism over ‘nightmare’ road closure

A water firm has come under fire over a six-month road closure, with residents complaining of HGVs thundering past their homes.


Six contenders tipped for council leadership race

08 August 2023
Six contenders tipped for council leadership race

Six councillors are now rumoured to be in the frame for the leadership of Kent County Council, amid growing unrest within the ruling party.


Rural crime soars as thieves use ‘spy drones’

08 August 2023
Rural crime soars as thieves use ‘spy drones’

Figures show Kent’s farmers lost nearly £2 million of equipment to thieves in 2022 – a 37% rise on the previous year.


‘Highways officers get bullied and threatened at meetings’

04 August 2023
‘Highways officers get bullied and threatened at meetings’

Kent's highways chief claims the county council's officers no longer attend planning meetings because they are "insulted, bullied and threatened".


KCC’s bee project wins award

04 August 2023
KCC’s bee project wins award

The county council’s scheme to encourage people to become more “bee friendly” has won an impressive government award.

Fury at highway chief’s ‘get on your bike’ suggestion to new build homeowners

03 August 2023
Fury at highway chief’s ‘get on your bike’ suggestion to new build homeowners

The county's highways boss has been criticised after suggesting residents in new developments could ‘get on their bikes’ to avoid congested roads.


Sharp rise in cyberbulling among teens

03 August 2023
Sharp rise in cyberbulling among teens

A survey of young people has revealed an increase of cyberbullying.


Water and highways bosses face grilling over six-month road closure

02 August 2023
Water and highways bosses face grilling over six-month road closure

A public meeting will be held to discuss a six-month road closure amid concerns local communities will be unable to cope when schools go back.


Tip closure consultation shelved amid ‘u-turn speculation’

01 August 2023
Tip closure consultation shelved amid ‘u-turn speculation’

A public consultation into planned tip closures across Kent has been pushed back fuelling speculation the plans could be reconsidered or shelved.


More pothole fixers hired in 'race against time' to fix county's crumbling roads

01 August 2023
More pothole fixers hired in 'race against time' to fix county's crumbling roads

Kent County Council has brought in more contractors in a bid to tackle the county’s crumbling roads before winter arrives.


Tories told to ‘keep quiet or resign’ after leadership contest leak

01 August 2023
Tories told to ‘keep quiet or resign’ after leadership contest leak

Conservative councillors have been told to get in line or “submit your resignation” after news of a potential leadership contest was reveled.


Council chief faces leadership challenge

31 July 2023
Council chief faces leadership challenge

A councillor is said to have revealed he “has the numbers” to compete to be the leader of Kent County Council.


‘Do you trust police?’ asks commissioner

29 July 2023
‘Do you trust police?’ asks commissioner

Kent’s crime commissioner says the public’s trust has been ‘severely tested’ by police misconduct in recent years.


Fears increase in ‘ghost children’ will result in more violent crime

28 July 2023
Fears increase in ‘ghost children’ will result in more violent crime

A rise in the number of children not going to school has sparked fears of an increase in violent crime in the future.


Six-month road closure ‘could put castle in the red’

27 July 2023
Six-month road closure ‘could put castle in the red’

The boss of a major Kent attraction has hit out at a ‘crackers’ road closure which could lose it vital business.


‘Six-month road closures are already causing chaos in our village!’

24 July 2023
‘Six-month road closures are already causing chaos in our village!’

Road closures caused by ongoing water works will be a nightmare for residents and motorists, it has been claimed.


Traffic fears as six-month road closure starts today

24 July 2023
Traffic fears as six-month road closure starts today

There are fears of traffic hell for the next six months as work begins by South East Water to replace burst-prone water pipes.


Free bus travel for families who claim free school meals this summer

21 July 2023
Free bus travel for families who claim free school meals this summer

Families with children on free school meals, disabled and older people are being offered a summer of free bus travel.

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