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Call to review £60m SEN transport costs to ‘avoid being taken for a ride’

11 December 2023
Call to review £60m SEN transport costs to ‘avoid being taken for a ride’

A former highways boss has called for an audit of taxi journeys provided to special needs children, which cost Kent County Council £60m a year.


KCC bureaucrats branded 'killjoys' in Christmas tree signs row

09 December 2023
KCC bureaucrats branded 'killjoys' in Christmas tree signs row

A Christmas tree business owner who has been putting out roadside signs for 40 years to help customers find his farm has been told to remove them.


‘Hospital can’t become a police state' in wake of morgue monster inquiry

07 December 2023
‘Hospital can’t become a police state' in wake of morgue monster inquiry

The hospital where a necrophiliac carried out his sick crimes cannot be turned into a “police state”, says an NHS trust boss.


One in five councils ‘could go bust’

06 December 2023
One in five councils ‘could go bust’

A new survey has revealed that almost one in five council chiefs fear their local authority could go bust.


Number of crimes solved by police ‘unacceptably low’

05 December 2023
Number of crimes solved by police ‘unacceptably low’

Kent’s force has been told it must improve its responsiveness to emergency calls and solve more crimes by a watchdog.


Council legal action over unaccompanied child asylum seekers due back in court

04 December 2023
Council legal action over unaccompanied child asylum seekers due back in court

The controversial issue of how Kent deals with lone asylum-seeking children arriving in small boats is due back in the High Court.

'You get hit, spat at and called the most horrible names under the sun'

03 December 2023
'You get hit, spat at and called the most horrible names under the sun'

Sick days among Kent Police officers are at a six-year high with the majority taking time off due to mental health issues and stress.


Warning that Kent could follow big cities into bankruptcy

01 December 2023
Warning that Kent could follow big cities into bankruptcy

A senior Conservative has issued a grim reminder of the authority's financial predicament less than a day after another major council went bust.


Cuts to youth services to go ahead despite protests

30 November 2023
Cuts to youth services to go ahead despite protests

Thousands of children could be left with nowhere to go after funding was pulled from dozens of youth clubs across the county.


‘They have used the reserves already...once those are gone, they’re gone’

27 November 2023
‘They have used the reserves already...once those are gone, they’re gone’

A local government chief has echoed warnings sounded by Kent that councils are at financial breaking point.


Campaigners to learn of care home's fate 'in weeks'

24 November 2023
Campaigners to learn of care home's fate 'in weeks'

Families whose relatives were given 48 hours to find a new care home after theirs shut suddenly will soon know its fate.

From political defeat to making history as Britain’s youngest commissioner

23 November 2023
From political defeat to making history as Britain’s youngest commissioner

As Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott prepares to stand for re-election, he explains how a landslide election defeat led to him making history in Kent.


Council hit by suspected cyber attack on children’s services

23 November 2023
Council hit by suspected cyber attack on children’s services

Local authorities have been warned to be on ‘red alert' after hackers gained access to the county council’s children's department.


‘If I had my way I’d close even more tips’

23 November 2023
‘If I had my way I’d close even more tips’

A county councillor has sparked fury by suggesting he’d close even more than the four tips already under threat from swingeing cuts.


‘It’s not shoplifting – it’s more like looting’

22 November 2023
‘It’s not shoplifting – it’s more like looting’

Calls are growing for more to be done to help business owners as they face a retail crime epidemic described as “more like looting than shoplifting”.


Tories suspended for defying party on housing policy

21 November 2023
Tories suspended for defying party on housing policy

Two Conservative members at Kent County Council have been suspended for defying the party on housing policy.


Number of fines issued for overrunning roadworks revealed

18 November 2023
Number of fines issued for overrunning roadworks revealed

Councillors have criticised the ‘pitiful’ fines handed out to utility companies causing unnecessary jams on the county’s roads.


Former council boss questions ‘transparency’ of current leadership

17 November 2023
Former council boss questions ‘transparency’ of current leadership

A former leader received two rounds of applause after criticising Kent County Council’s current top table.


Plea to stop sale of primary school earmarked for homes

17 November 2023
Plea to stop sale of primary school earmarked for homes

A redundant primary school, earmarked for dozens of homes, is set to go on the market.


Bid to ditch windmill sell-off plan fails by single vote

16 November 2023
Bid to ditch windmill sell-off plan fails by single vote

An attempt to halt proposals to offload eight of the county’s historic windmills has been defeated.

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