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A decision to recommend closure of a care home has been condemned as “shameful and disappointing” by campaigners.
A former Conservative MP is considering whether to stand at next May’s Kent County Council election.
The funerals arrangements have been confirmed for a popular and highly respected councillor following his sudden passing.
At least 20 Conservative county council members will not seek re-election next May, it is understood.
Kent’s crime commissioner says the county’s police force already has in place ways of training officers in dealing with persistent issues.
A major union has warned local councils are on the brink of “financial disaster” with no option but to make drastic cuts.
Protestors have gathered at County Hall to demonstrate against the changes to disability benefits.
An MP has criticised changes to the way disability payments are calculated amid concerns over an increased in costs to the most vulnerable in society.
Work to widen the A228 at one of its busiest stretches could start next spring after years of campaigning by councillors.
A Tory politician has decided not to back her neighbouring MP in the Conservative Party’s leadership contest and has put her support elsewhere.
Kent County Council has paid out almost £20,000 to a pensioner charged for years of care she should have had for free.
Lord Michael Howard has revealed he predicted Liz Truss would be an “absolute disaster” as Prime Minister before she landed the top job.
A county councillor’s calls for 10% of jobs to be culled at KCC has been described as “beyond insulting” by a union.
A demonstration is being arranged to counter changes described as a “tax on the disabled”.
A seasoned Labour campaigner explains how he went from collecting bets at a dog track to livening up the council chamber.
A mother is considering legal action against a council following a change in the way disability benefits are calculated.
Conservative Party leadership candidate Tom Tugendhat has told the Kent Politics Podcast why he thinks his party lost the general election.
The new Labour government has axed cash destined to deal with antisocial behaviour in Kent.
Eleven years ago Ukip secured 17 seats on KCC and now, after a successful general election, Nigel Farage’s followers are hoping for similar gains.
A council decision to shelve road works on A249 will merely push traffic congestion elsewhere, say critics.
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