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The future of a massive new housing development has been called into question over a proposed railway station.
Attempts to save land under threat from house-building have suffered a major setback after an inspector and councillors rejected a village green bid.
A senior county councillor has called for new smoking legislation to be repealed saying it will simply encourage counterfeit goods and smuggling.
Obesity, depression, mental health issues and domestic violence are all on the rise, according to a new report.
A sub-committee started in the wake of a damning report into Kent’s failures in SEND provision has been accused of doing ‘very little’.
An antique billiards table which once stood proudly in Buckingham Palace is up for sale.
A local authority is one of just a handful to receive an award for being a military-friendly employer.
Vulnerable residents are being urged to get a spring booster vaccination to help protect against coronavirus.
Campaigners fighting to save 37 acres of green space have made their closing arguments at an inquiry - but now have an anxious wait.
Plans to avert major disruption at the Channel ports caused by new EU biometric checks are “well underway” despite continued warnings of long delays.
Protesters need to raise £50,00 to fund a legal bid against a 5,000-home garden village development.
Plans for a 10-lane cricket net facility at a grammar school could be considered by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up.
A planning application for a long-awaited link road is expected to be lodged later this year with the scheme completed before the end of 2028.
Concerns are being raised that people smugglers might take advantage of a shortfall in police numbers caused by this summer’s Paris Olympics.
There’s been a mixed response to a planned crackdown on attacks on shop workers from the three candidates vying to be the county’s crime commissioner.
A countryside charity says it has been left “deeply disheartened” over a council’s house-building plan due to “critical failings”.
Leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey visited Kent ahead of local elections.
It’s a three horse race for this year’s police and crime commissioner election in May.
From New Jersey to Parliament? We spoke to the Lib Dem candidate hoping to win in a newly formed constituency at the next general election.
Campaigners trying to save a stretch of land from being bulldozed for more than 400 houses will soon learn if they have been successful.