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A loft insulation surveyor stole highly valuable jewellery from the homes of elderly and vulnerable customers out of "heartless greed".
The owner of a town centre shop says she has made the ‘right’ but ‘sad’ decision to leave after 14 years of trade.
A car was found submerged in a stream after a driver fled the scene of a crash when the 4x4 plunged into the water.
A university student out delivering takeaways in a town crashed into a pensioner while driving on the wrong side of the road.
Two secondary schools could be closed by the government and reopened under new bosses after plunging into special measures.
Plans to build 112 homes on land once occupied by Pfizer have been granted - but none of the properties will be classed as ‘affordable’.
If you’re looking for fresh air and stunning views this weekend, this could be a great place to start - no matter the weather.
Plans to turn a beloved garden centre – which closed in the summer – into village hall for the community have taken a step forward.
A family who sold their home to buy a farm shop will bulldoze the dilapidated building for renovations after their plans were approved.
A grieving mum has given a heart-rending account of life after the devastating loss of her 17-year-old son to suicide.
A couple described as still in love in their nineties and "soulmates" died in a double tragedy at their home.
A terminally-ill man whose wife is behind bars for plotting to kill him says he intends to stay alive long enough so “she can come back home”.
There are fears schoolchildren will be put in danger by lorries reversing down a narrow country lane to access a new housing development.
The big portions and affordable prices at this restaurant are praised on Tripadvisor - but would our experience match the rave reviews?
A pub landlord has called time at the bar quoting music legend Bob Dylan to announce the closure of the town centre boozer.
An energy storage facility has been given the green light despite fears it could “threaten the lives and health of residents”.
Police have been called after protesters stormed into a business park, blocking roads and painting buildings red.
A head teacher has dismissed claims pupils are not "prepared for life in modern Britain" following a damning Ofsted report.
The death of a 13-year-old has inspired a remarkable legacy, raising £300,000 and helping to train more than 100 medical staff in paediatric care.
A CCTV image has been released of a woman police would like to speak to after pro-Palestine protestors stormed a weapons factory.
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